저는 경력 내내 소프트웨어 개발팀에서 일해왔으며, 기술 수준의 스펙트럼이 정말 놀랄 만큼 다양하다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 그동안 저는 무능하고 게으른 사람들을 다루기 위해 사무실에서의 행동 방식을 나름대로 조정해 왔습니다.
제가 사용하는 방식은 단순히 화와 좌절감을 억누르는 것입니다. 하지만 집에 돌아가서는 가족이나 친구들에게 불평하며 화를 풀곤 합니다. 하지만 이것이 저 자신이나 가족/친구들에게 건강한 방식은 아닌 것 같습니다.
무능하고 게으른 동료들로 인한 개인적인 스트레스를 어떻게 다뤄야 할까요?
참고 사항:
젊었을 때 저는 무능하거나 게으른 사람들이 소프트웨어 업계에서 오래 버티지 못할 것이라고 순진하게 믿었습니다. 그러나 실망스럽게도, 우대 정책, 연줄, 그리고 관리자들의 자기 이익 추구 등이 소프트웨어 엔지니어링 업계에서 이러한 자연스러운 걸러짐을 방해한다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 따라서 저는 이런 사람들을 어떻게든 다루는 법을 배워야 하는 것 같습니다.
저는 초보자들이 많은 질문을 하는 것에 대해서는 무한한 인내심을 가지고 있지만, 노력하지 않는 무능하고 게으른 사람들로 인한 스트레스를 다루는 방법은 잘 모르겠습니다.
Gotta get some perspective on what matters. If incompetent, lazy and/or stupid people stress you out that much, you’re going to be dead at a very early age, because people who fit that description comprise the vast majority of all societies.
Also, realize that “not doing things exactly as I would or want them to be done, catering to my own timeframes and desire” is not necessarily being lazy or stupid. Do you cater to their wants the same way you want them to cater to yours?
It could very well be that you are simply surrounded by complete losers and idiots. Make sure, if you’re going to stress yourself to an early grave, that it’s really over them being lazy and/or incompetent, and not a case of you having a very self-centered life view.
I’m serious. People are not going to change. IT is like any other industry, you get the good, the bad, the ugly and the strange.
You can control none of this. The only thing you can control is your reactions to what is going on around you. You don’t know why these people were hired, you won’t control whether they grow and expand or remain where they are or drift off or get fired.
This is beyond your control. Don’t waste your time with it. If you don’t waste your time, it won’t stress you. Do your work. Do what it takes to document things so that you are not blamed for another’s incompetence, and then move on. That is the only way to deal with the stress. You don’t get caught up in the things you do not control. That, and affirming your own existence and being satisfied with your own work.
I’m serious. People are not going to change. IT is like any other industry, you get the good, the bad, the ugly and the strange.
You can control none of this. The only thing you can control is your reactions to what is going on around you. You don’t know why these people were hired, you won’t control whether they grow and expand or remain where they are or drift off or get fired.
While I agree with some of the other answers that, yes this is beyond your control, and yes you are best off just focusing on your own work, that doesn’t take your stress away.
My advice is this – limit yourself to specific time when you vent that stress to your friends and family. My husband and I complain to each other about work for one hour only. Rather than bottling up my anger and taking it out on him, I explain my problems. He does the same and we sympathize with each other. It’s bad to bring your work problems home, but if you can’t help it because it’s that bad, put boundaries on it. You may even get a fresh perspective on things.
The way I’m managing this at my current job is by turning my anger into satisfaction.
Every time I place my hands on bad code, I try to leave it into a better shape, or at least leave a few TODOs and comments with tips and tricks for those that will come after me.
Will they keep writing bad code and ask dumb things? Probably.
Will I keep fixing things as much as I can? Sure.
After a couple of years you will look at your codebase and feel great at how much it improved with your efforts.
Don’t wait for change, be the change.